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4 ways to consume High CBD Hash Oil

CBD Hash Oil

High CBD Hash Oil from Green Dream Health Services

Now that you’ve purchased High CBD Hash oil from Green Dream Health Services, it’s time to explore what options are available to consume it.

The hash oil you purchased has very high concentrations of CBD, or cannabidiol which, as a nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, has demonstrated health benefits as a nutritional antioxidant, neuroprotector, and anti-inflammatory supplement. CBD attaches to receptors associated exclusively with inflammation and not receptors associated with euphoria. Thus, CBD does not get users “high”.

Other components of the cannabis plant are in the hash oil as well. Traces of psychoactive THC and other cannabinoids are included to ensure the “entourage effect”. The entourage effect is the term given to the process of all available cannabinoids working together within the body to allow the desired effect to manifest. Thus, you should use High CBD Hash Oil with caution, be prepared for varied results, and take notes on how effective the ratio of CBD:THC is for your symptoms.

4 ways to consume High CBD Hash Oil from Green Dream Health Services:


This product may be applied to an “oil rig” for the highest intensity medication possible. An oil rig is a device used much like a traditional water pipe, or bong, which uses a heated element, usually titanium or quartz, to heat up the High CBD Hash Oil to a critical temperature. The oil is vaporized, channeled through water filtration for cooling, and inhaled by the user in a large concentration. This produces a less-bodied smoke that is not as thick as cannabis-plant smoke but equally expansive in the lungs and cough inducing.

Instead of an oil rig, High CBD Hash Oil can be used in many vaporizer pens. As long as you can apply portions of product at a time and the vaporizer doesn’t take specific cartridges, you may use High CBD Hash Oil from Green Dream in those vape pens. Ask any supplier of smoking accessories to assist you in finding one. Like from an oil rig, these devices produce smoke that is cough inducing and potent.

This product can also be placed on top of a standard bowl of cannabis flowers. The oil melts down when heat from a lighter is applied and coats the bowl with a gooey, flammable crust. If the High CBD Hash Oil catches fire just snuff it out and try to keep a rolling cherry (constantly hot and smoking bowl) to maximize the amount of medication consumed.

Pros: This is the fastest acting method of medication. Doses of High CBD Hash Oil can be easily managed by the user and individual portions of the oil can be consumed, saving the rest for other applications.

Cons: Without cannabinoids in the body, tolerance is very low so any exposure to THC smoke will result in a psychoactive rush many users try to avoid, so even though there are just a few parts of THC per CBD, smoking the oil is not recommended for those with very low tolerance. Also, smoking may agitate the throat and lungs, so heavy coughing may result.


High CBD Hash Oil can be consumed orally through baked goods or raw foodstuffs. However, the High CBD Hash Oil is not activated; meaning consuming it raw may not give intended results. Consult a cannabinoid chart to target specific cannabinoids that could help your specific symptoms. If CBDa has demonstrated aid to your symptoms, then you may consume the High CBD Hash Oil in its raw form. If CBD is the target cannabinoid, then you should decarboxylase your High CBD Hash Oil.  To “decarb” the Hash Oil it needs to be baked into something.

Use the following method to isolate cannabinoids into an edible medium.

What you need:

1 gram High CBD Hash Oil

1/3 cup coconut oil

2 cups water

Process: With burner heat on Low combine 2 cups water, 1/3 cup coconut oil and 1 gram High CBD Hash Oil into a medium saucepan. Keep the heat below bubbling as to keep all cannabinoids available for consumption. Heat gently for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally as the hash oil dissolves into the oil. Place saucepan in the refrigerator or transfer contents into a large enough dish to contain the water and oil and place in fridge. Allow oil to harden and rise to the top of the container (overnight is perfect). Remove hardened oil from water and dispose of water. You now have 1/3 cup of CBD infused coconut oil.

The High CBD Hash Oil is close to 100% cannabinoids so it may be directly converted to 1000mg cannabinoids.

You may also extend or shorten the amount of coconut oil to be combined with High CBD Hash Oil. Just remember the rule:

1g High CBD Hash Oil = 1000mg cannabinoids. 1000mg cannabinoids ÷ Tablespoons of regular coconut oil = mg cannabinoids per tablespoon cannabis-infused coconut oil.

You can combine the amount of tablespoons of infused-coconut oil you wish to consume based on the above formula with plain coconut oil to fill out any recipe that calls for oil. Brownies are easy because they usually call for 1/3 cup oil and may be divided and stored for later consumption. The above recipe of 1/3 cup infused-oil into 12 brownies would yield about 83mg cannabinoids per brownie.

If CBDa is your target cannabinoid you do not need to simmer the High CBD Hash Oil or need to refrigerate it. It can instead be extracted by allowing a mixture of High CBD Hash Oil and canola oil to rest for 1 week at room temperature in a jar with occasional stirring. This method ensures that no heat will activate any cannabinoids and will remain a rawfood. 1 cup coconut oil to 1g High CBD Hash Oil would yield 62.5 mg cannabinoids per tablespoon or about 20 mg cannabinoids per teaspoon. Use the same rule as described above and add non-infused oil to fill out any recipe for oil.

Pros: Edibles have demonstrated the longest-duration medicinal effect of any method of medication. Also, the total amounts of cannabinoids available through eating are multiplied and could have a much stronger effect than smoking. Coconut oil can be mixed with any foods to keep medication very discrete. Butter can also be used but use unsalted as it will separate. There are hundreds of recipes to meet dietary needs and taste pallets.

Cons: Because cannabinoids are multiplied and long lasting by eating, the effect can be intense, and any amount of THC will be amplified. A narcotic effect can be possible if supplemental cannabinoids are foreign to your body. A tolerance to the high, if any effect persists, will be quick to come within a few rounds of application so it is advised to go with the flow and be patient for the High CBD Hash Oil to work as intended. Some users however report not feeling any effect on High CBD medication because it is mostly non-psychoactive. Allow enough time to feel a desired effect because everybody’s metabolism is different. On average users will feel the effect after 2 hours of consumption but some users report not feeling any effect until 3 or 4 hours after ingesting medication, so you must be patient. Results will vary. Cooking cannabis is about as labor intensive as making candy. To those that have done it before, it can be very easy but the first time can be tough. The ratios of cannabinoids can be tough to navigate so keep an open mind as to how many cannabinoids you may actually consume at one time.


High CBD Hash Oil can also be consumed orally via an eye-dropper of infused liquid referred to as tincture. This is applied via a squirt of the dropper under the tongue. Hold the tincture in your mouth for around 30 seconds for maximum absorption and then swallow.

What you need:

1g High CBD Hash Oil

3 ounces high-alcohol spirit (above 80 proof preferable)

3 1 fl. oz. eye dropper bottles

Mason jar

Process:In a small mason jar mix in 1 gram High CBD Hash Oil to 3 fl. oz. of high-proof alcohol. Seal lid on the jar and shake vigorously. Place mixture into freezer. Leave for a minimum of 5 days shaking the jar twice daily and placing back in the freezer. Using a coffee filter and a separate container, strain the liquid removing any impurities (there should be very little solids). Pour the tincture into the 1 fl. oz.  eyedroppers.

Each eyedropper should contain about 600 drops each and each individual dropper should fill to around 20 drops.

Based on the same formula for edibles, 1000mg cannabinoids to 1800 drops total  x 20 drops per dropper = 11 mg per dropper.

Pros: Similar to edibles, the effect is prolonged and has long lasting health benefits. Tincture can be placed in a handbag or backpack for mobile medication and is discrete. Tincture can be made very strong or very weak depending on preference.

Cons: This particular recipe calls for alcohol. Some recipes call for vegetable glycerin as an alternative. The process is minimally labor intensive and requires some extra supplies to be bought. Like edibles as well, results may vary as far as effectiveness. Allow enough time for the medicine to take effect.


CBD and CBDa, among other cannabinoids have been demonstrated to be useful against many skin conditions and pain associated with arthritis, nerve pain, and cancer. To extract the cannabinoids in the High CBD Hash Oil use either edible methodology described above.  You can activate more CBDa to CBD by simmering the solution on the stove for the 30 minutes instead of being cautious not to create bubbles.

1000 mg cannabinoids in 1 gram of High CBD Hash Oil to 1 cup coconut oil will yield 20 mg cannabinoids per teaspoon.

Pros: It is impossible for our bodies to feel high off of skin contact with cannabis infused oil so any psychoactivity associated with THC will not be felt by the user. However, every bit of the medicine is available to the body. Human skin absorbs up to 90% of what it comes in contact with (hence reapplication of sunscreen) so the medicine is immediately available and fast acting.

Cons: Users report that topical solutions infused with cannabis are short lasting and not effective over a prolonged period in comparison to edibles or tinctures. Coconut oil is pure fat so application is greasy and users should be cautious to come in contact with clothing or bedding reduce stains. Some symptoms, like internal pain, may not be reduced by topical use.

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