The Endocannabinoid System in Words That You Can Actually Understand
Jan 24, 2018, Articles and Insight

Rachel Wellendorf For years, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) has been studied, but what actually is it? It is the system responsible for processing compounds found in cannabis - allowing the…
Continue reading: "The Endocannabinoid System in Words That You Can Actually Understand"Cannabis V. Opioids
Dec 19, 2017, Articles and Insight

By Evan Bottsford According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 14,000 Americans died in 2014 from unintentional overdose of prescription opioids, making this the leading…
Continue reading: "Cannabis V. Opioids"What Is CBD Oil?
Nov 08, 2017, Articles and Insight

BY: Rachel Wellendorf THC was first isolated by Raphael Mechoulam in 1964. Since then, researchers and developers have delved into the world of cannabinoids. CBD is one component of cannabis that has…
Continue reading: "What Is CBD Oil?"How to Activate Concentrates to Infuse Into Coconut Oil.
Oct 11, 2017, Articles and Insight

How to Activate Concentrates to Infuse Into Coconut Oil By Alex Harvey We all hear the same spiel from budtenders about making homemade edibles from non-activated concentrates. The most…
Continue reading: "How to Activate Concentrates to Infuse Into Coconut Oil."THC Percentages: A Misleading Label
Sep 11, 2017, Articles and Insight

Written By: Rachel Wellendorf Budtenders get asked multiple times a day: What is your highest testing strain? We will explore why that question is no longer relevant in this article. Before delving…
Continue reading: "THC Percentages: A Misleading Label"How Effective is CBD For Anxiety?
Aug 21, 2017, Benefits of Cannabis

How Effective is CBD For Anxiety? By: John Levy Millions of people across the United States suffer varying degrees of anxiety. In the worst cases, it can be so debilitating that it greatly…
Continue reading: "How Effective is CBD For Anxiety?"Building A Sustainable Cannabis Industry
Jun 19, 2017, Articles and Insight

Building A Sustainable Cannabis Industry BY Rachel Wellendorf Since 2009, Colorado legislation has been implemented to “license commercial businesses for the distribution and production of…
Continue reading: "Building A Sustainable Cannabis Industry"In-terp-reting Your High
May 24, 2017, Articles and Insight

In-terp-reting Your High By: Kris Knox Cannabis has a mysterious aspect that is just starting to be understood: what drives your high. In recent years, it has become clear that the cannabinoids…
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